Wednesday, December 14, 2005

A Poetry From Both Side.

One Beautifull Lady Wrote This :

If you see me walking the road with someone else,
It's not because I like his accompany...
Its because you're not brave enough to walk beside me.

If you hear me talking about him all the time
Its not because he pleases me
Its because you're too deaf to hear my heartbeat

If you feel me falling with someone new
Its not because I love him..
But because you're not there to catch me fall

If you feel lost, I too am nowhere
I too don't know where the road is going

Are we gonna cross each other's path
Or just completely turn around?..

Will we just let go of what we had
Or go to the place where love is bound

Don't let me walk with him,
It's you I want to walk with..

Don't let me talk of him,
it's you I want to talk with..

Don't let me fall for him,
It's you I want to fall in love with..

And Here Is The Reply :

When you thought I wasn't brave enough to walk beside you
I was behind you every step of the way
Still filled with awe because of the beauty that stand before me

When you thought I was too deaf to hear your heartbeat
I didn't want to assume anything
And I was afraid to lose our friendship

When you thought I wasn't there to catch you,
It was because you never gave me the chance

You never reached the bottom,
you've already grabbed a branch

If you feel like you are nowhere, I too am lost
I too don't know where the road is going

Are we just going to turn around,
Or are we gonna cross each other's path?

Will we just let go of what we had
Or go to the place where love is bound?

Don't let me walk alone
I want to walk by your side

Don't let me talk of something else
It's you I want to talk with

Don't let me fall for someone else
It's you I want to fall in love with..





8erz 05


Miss Amazingly Alive's said...

that is so sweet, 8erz...the girl is very lucky, and i guess so are u :)
now dont be afraid to love because u have someday to lose that u are with her, make the best of the time..time to be left along ur way...i was once asked, "when the time has come to leave u, will i be ready for it?"
that question made me very sad...i know i have to let him go one day, and im still haunted by the thought...
but honey, she is longing to be held, and to let a beautiful lady wait too long is a shame for a gentleman :)
i congratulate u, 8erz, for being such a wise lover...:) looking forward to listening another story :)

eighterz said...

Thank you for your listening.
Your such a good online friend :)


Anonymous said...

Hey...remember onced you said...
semua hanyalah titipan saja...
titipan datang tanpa diundang...
dan pergi tanpa pamit...

Lantas, so what gitu loh ?

Yaa...nikmati titipan apa yang ada...
Kalau titipan itu berupa
suatu perasaan cinta...nikmatilah...
tanpa dikuasai rasa ingin memiliki...
toh semua itu hanya titipan belaka...

Apa gak boleh mrasa takut kehilangan ?
Boleh boleh saja siihh...
tapii...jangan sampai ketakutan itu
membuatmu tidak berani en tidak bisa
menikmati rasa cinta yang sedang ada
dan merekah indah dihatimu...

Selamat menikmati nya, 8erz...
Daann...selamat ber-tahun baru 2006.

eighterz said...

And i do enjoy it my friend. :)

rasa takut hilangnya bukan jadi penghalang kok, malah jadi pemanis dalam hubungan itu sendiri.
Dengan perasaan takut hilang yang ada, aku akan otomatis berusaha keras untuk tidak menghilangkannya. :P

Tentang titipan. nanti malam, kayaknya akan kututup akhir tahun ini dengan sebuah post yang berkenaan dengan topik tersebut. Terima kasih atas masukannya teman-teman, banyak yang bisa dipelajari dari masukan teman-teman lho.

I'll prove it later ;)


Anonymous said...

It was a beautiful writing of yours
but only this one that I understand
may be you will write more in Englz
may be someday
you'll visit my blogspot


eighterz said...

Oh, i dont expect someone from out indonesia is reading my blog, it is my honor to receive your compliment. Thank you. :)

And after i knew this fact, i will write more often in english.

I'll come to visit your blog at any chance.

again, thank you.

eighterz said...

oya ? aku keliatan orang yang lempeng2 aja yah ? well, bahasa kerennya kan "cool" dan memang aku tuh orangnya "cool" kok, huehehehe
Tapi memang, menurutku tiap manusia pasti punya masalah masing2, kadang masalah yang bagi sebagian orang dianggap kecil, akan menjadi masalah yang besar bagi sebagian orang yang lain.
Mungkin, kebetulan, bagiku, masalah yang berkenaan dengan hal2 yang seperti ini, tidak menajadi masalah yang utama, sehingga tidak pernah terlihat mencuat keluar.
lagipula zetz, qta berdua kan memang jarang bicarain hal2 tentang cinta. walaupun sebenarnya aku kadang penasaran untuk nanya tentang hal2 cinta ke kamu. :P


Anonymous said...

Someone said
Love is in your heart
when giving is a pleasure
when honesty is a pleasure

And I said
Love is in your heart
when living Life
as a chance to love

But somebody said
Love your neighbor
as you loved yourself

So, what is it ?

Anonymous said...

True love is just a gift
where we are due
to take good care of.
We should not hold it in our hands for we might not have the strength to let it go
when it decides to say goodbye.
We should only embrace it
with all of our hearts and then freely open our arms when
it's time to set it free. . .
This is life in a reality
things happen for a reason
which is kept unknown.
no matter what life brings us,
all we have to do is continue and take the journey of life
for we never know what's in the end until we reached our final destination...

Art of letting go is the hardest thing a person is capable of doing but this is the most precious way to say that you know how to love...

posted by Serene26