Friday, January 06, 2006

*&$*^$#(^%))$#^&% [^_^]

6 hari dari taun baru, dan aku habiskan dengan diam di rumah, bingung mencari kegiatan, mau main malas keluar, di rumah bulukan nih. Damn, what a bad start :p

Ada good pointnya sih, aku jadi lebih banyak ngabisin waktu dengan keluarga. :)
di lain pihak, terus diusik perasaan bosan yang jadinya keluar dalam bentuk tindakan2 usil ngga jelas ke adik2 bahkan ke tamu2 atau saudara yang datang ke rumah. hehehehe, sorry guyz.

Waktu santai memang perlu ya, tapi kalau kebanyakan, jadinya bingung, badan dan otak yang udah biasa dengan volume kegiatan yang cukup aktif, jadinya serasa berkarat.

Satu-satunya yang jadi hiburan cuman 7000+ lagu di winamp, tapi itu juga mulai terasa membosankan, keluar semacam perasaan bingung mau dengerin lagu apa lagi ? padahal jelas2 aku belum denger semuanya, manusia memang aneh :P

well, kayanya perlu ngerencanain liburan ke luar kota nih, liburan masih 20 hari lagi !
tapi ruginya, kampusku punya masa liburan yang lebih cepat dari kampus lain, jadinya pasti susah ngajak temen2. Atau aku pergi sendiri aja ya ? Alone adventure ?

( post awal taun yang didasarin rasa bingung ngga tau apa yang harus dikerjain :P )


Anonymous said...

That is what happened
when we did not have a certain plan
and its contigency plan

Life is what happens
when we make a plan

fail to plan
is plan to fail.

Anonymous said...

I learn a very important lesson...sometime how i feel is not can really apply to alot of u do u relate to people...btw the feel refers to emotion and stuff not wat u think...just in case u mistaken the doesn't matter whether u are sad or happy but rather wat matters is wat is needed to be done..wat is necessary....u need to get the big picture....

it doesn't matter if u are tired but homework still have to be done.....

it doesn't matter if you don feel like serving...your word is your bond....

it doesn't matter if someone forget your relationship are not based on if someone rem your birthday...

it doesn't matter if you don't feel like helping a old lady cross the paiseh...but if you don't she might get knock down by cars...

it doesn't matter you don feel like bathing after a day's work...if you don you just get ring worm simple as that

it doesn't matter if you don feel like brushing your teeth...peopl just wouldn't come near you....jeez !!

it doesn't matter if you are deeply in love with someone...when it is not the time the relationship just wouldn't happen

it doesn't matter if you feel like killing yourself after something bad got to pick yourself up and life have to go on

alot of things including those i mention earlier involve you to over look your feelings ...
i really thank God for the love he has given me and continue to give me...

sometime i may look lonely but i am alright...

sometime i may look is just that i want to be alone...

sometime i may look happy and is because of every one around me who make my day

sometime i may joke is because i don want you all guys to be moody....

sometime i may look is just that i need to take a break from wat i am on the outside

indeed....sometime how i feel is not important...

posted by serene26